Anger Management
Sessions: usually 8-12 (results can vary)
Anger can be useful in certain situations as it is a motivator, and helps us to navigate through difficult situations. However, sometimes anger becomes our default, and we begin to manage all situations with anger. Being unable to manage outbursts of anger can cause problems with both your physical, and mental health. It can also put strain on relationships. During the Initial Consultation I will talk to you about how anger is created, and in subsequent sessions you will learn to manage stressful situations so that you are calm, and in control.
Sessions: usually 8-12 (results can vary)
Anxiety is a natural response to stressful or dangerous situations, it is part of your fight or flight response. Anxiety can manifest itself in many different ways, and can also build up over time. Having high levels of anxiety increases your chances of experiencing other anxiety disorders. You may find that you have anxiety that is quite specific, such as anxiety around health, social situations or trauma related. However anxiety can also be generalised, meaning you feel anxious about a wide range of situations. Anxiety can also cause sufferers to experience panic attacks, causing physical symptoms in the body. During your Initial Consultation I will talk to you about how anxiety is created and in subsequent sessions will assist you in relieving the symptoms of stress and anxiety. Allowing you to feel more like yourself again.
Confidence and Self-Esteem
Sessions: usually 8-12 (results can vary)
Lack of confidence and low self-esteem can cause self doubt. Which can have an impact on our both your work life and social life. If you have stopped believing in yourself, you are less likely to welcome new opportunities. Hypnotherapy can help you to rediscover your confidence, by allowing you to remember what is good in your life. Heling you to remember the things that bring you joy. You will also benefit from replacing negative thought patters with a new motivated attitude. During your Initial Consultation I will talk to you about how anxiety is created and in subsequent sessions will assist you in building your confidence and self-esteem. There will be no stopping you!
Sessions: usually 8-12 (results can vary)
Hypnotherapy can help with the symptoms of IBS which can range from mild to severe. There is a recognised link between your mind and gut. The National Institute of Health & Care Excellence (NICE) recommends Hypnotherapy as one of the ‘psychological interventions which should be considered for people with irritable bowel syndrome who are not responding to prescribed medication.’ During your Initial Consultation I will talk to you about how anxiety is created and in subsequent sessions will assist you in relieving the symptoms of stress and anxiety. This in turn will reduce the symptoms of IBS.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Sessions: usually 10-15 sessions (results can vary)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a condition where sufferers experience obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours. OCD can have a huge impact on your life, as habits and rituals take over. The behaviours are a way of dealing with the stress and anxiety that you feel. There are two different types of OCD. Pure O, causes the sufferer to have intrusive thoughts. The thoughts are usually unwanted and unpleasant, and go against the person’s values. The thoughts can scare sufferer’s and lead to isolation due to the sufferer not wanting to discuss the thoughts they are having with anybody else. It is important to note that people with OCD experiencing intrusive thoughts are not likely to act on their thoughts. Other’s with OCD have physical compulsions, which provide temporary relief from the anxiety felt. However, the relief is short lived, and the desire to carry out the action again returns. The sufferer usually believes that if the ritual is not carried out, then something terrible will happen which motivates them to continue the behavioural pattern. During your Initial Consultation I will talk to you about how anxiety is created and in subsequent sessions will assist you in relieving the symptoms of anxiety.
Sessions: usually 4 sessions (results can vary)
When someone has an unrealistic fear about something we call it a Phobia. If you have a fear of something, it can lead to avoidance, this is due to the distress felt when faced with the fear. If someone has a specific phobia they are not generally anxious in any other part of their life. They only have a specific subject that causes a fear response. E.g. flying, needles, dogs, spiders. If your phobia is non-specific such as agoraphobia or claustrophobia you may require 8-10 sessions.
Sessions: usually 8-12 (results can vary)
It is normal to go through periods of stress in your life, usually when we feel some sort of pressure. It may be that you have a job interview, or have been asked to give a presentation at work. Our stress response is often triggered when we feel challenged. Sometimes stress can be helpful when it is short lived as it can get us through certain situations. However, when stress starts to become a constant in life, it can leave you feeling overwhelmed, unable to cope and can have a lasting impact on both your physical and mental health. During your Initial Consultation, I will talk to you about how stress is created, and in subsequent sessions will assist you in relieving the symptoms.
Stopping Smoking / Vaping
Sessions: Usually 2 (results can vary)
Hypnotherapy is a effective therapy for those that are motivated to give up smoking. There are many reasons that people choose to continue smoking when they know it is bad for their health. Reasons such as stress relief, pleasure, maintaining weight or because it’s the norm in their social circle. Knowing that it is unhealthy simply isn’t enough. That is because there is a part of your brain that actually thinks smoking is helping you. Hypnotherapy helps to change your mindset around smoking on a subconscious level. We will go through an informal information gathering appointment and then a two hour appointment one week later.